Saturday, January 13, 2018

Missing Sugar and Feeling Full!

It is so interesting the craving for feeling full that I'm having...are you having this too?

If you're rocking your paleo, whole30, cleansing whatever protocol...then you may feel like me at this moment...I am not craving sugars per say but damn, I miss eating them! I LOVE delicious tasty treats...even if it is in the form of a gluten free muffin or something...even just some rice with my protein and veggies.

It is amazing not to eat anything artificial and to totally give the body a reset/a break from it is crazy how lost in unconscious eating we can here is how I'm navigating these feelings...

I'm googling and brainstorming for ideas...the latest - Plantain chips with guacamole. Okay...yes...that sounds fabulous...haven't had this yet and really, how can you go wrong there?

Making sure I keep up with cooking and food prep. This way, I don't go hungry or left without a choice so...


1) Movie night (in or out) : sliced apples in a baggie with almond butter in a small tupperware or another baggie of mixed nuts

2) InstantPot: A roast with veggies and used 3 cups of broth and fresh herbs NO wine :( WAS DELICIOUS STILL! :)

3) Thanks to Jojo who suggested almond flour with herbs and spices mixed make homemade chicken fingers...which I did TODAY! YUMMY!

4) coconut butter and ghee (like a 1/2 teaspoon of each) blended in my coffee with a bit of unsweetened vanilla almond milk...YES, Please.

5) Chicken or Pork Italian Sausage cooked up at once...sliced and pan fried with the roasted veggies I already have made. This is really great for breakfast...very yummy...add an egg and avocado too if you want.

6) Pederson's bacon. whole30 approved (no sugar) and really good.

7) dried apples rings for a quick nibble if needed.

Staying positive...Body Jamming at the gym helps! :) 

Until next time,
Dr. Cari J.

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